[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

I think you mean occupying.

Bleeds doesn’t confirmed MrEevee7, only that he’s not the NK.

CL and Assasin have bleeds. So Yeah.

So you would accidentally kill the prince if Eevee is Prince or intentionally.

But nah.

You got confused with occupying

eevee claimed Butler

I know?

But as you can see, I am not the confused person here.

what are you even trying to claim here

Because I didn’t forgot he claimed Butler since D2.


So, why didn’t you bleed me yesterday?

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he claimed butler d2 yes.
so I targetted him NIGHT 2
which is after d2

because we hammered too soon

:eyes: “we” hammered? Who hammered here? Why did you quickhammer?

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also i know that looks bad since i was the one who hammered, but I didn’t know the VC at the time.

Why didn’t you first bleed, then vote? You had about 15 minutes time to bleed me.

I didnt know the vote would be a hammer though.

You said you bleed me.
You had lots of time to do so.

:eyes: Why didn’t you shoot me?

i didn’t even have everyones support and if you flip BD then I probably got lynched and that’s basically game over

So you are a Knight, yes?

Im a hunter as i have stated several times.