[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

…Alright, I’ll keep in.

By the way, for every single person who wants to read me as scum because I’m not wolf hunting, I never wolf hunt. At least not yet.

If one person who has posted here is possible scum, who would that be? If you don’t know, random is fine too.

I’m here.


Would it be safe to say that atleast one vet is black rose/cult?

Well, there’s no modbias.

@discobot roll 1d15

:game_die: 5

Stop. Discobot is forbidden here.


beware the bots

Read this.
(You haven’t read the thread did you?)

(No need to. Doesn’t apply to me)

(Then I will love to lynch you tomorrow.)


(I could be Prince.)

:eyes: :woman_shrugging:

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“Don’t call me scummy for not looking for scum, the one job of BD”

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what have you done

he made a bot roll some die