[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

Oh nvm it got changed quite heavily.

Ask mechanical questions in classcards please. :slight_smile:

Right, sorry

why is a dead person talking?

WazzaAzza replaced in

Solic was killed by traitors
That’s the entire reason I locked down the castle.


oh lol
I was so confused for a second

If someone died why dont we get their flip

I wouldn’t care honestly.

This is awkward

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Wazza is town

no one died uwu

k then

care to explain

that made no sense.

@Solic Who me?

It’s more moon logicy I can’t really explain yet. Just know it’s a strong townread. I would love to explain but don’t think it is right yet

Frostwolf103 replaces WazzaAzza.

Oh that was quick.

Did he seriously replaces in and left?


Still… potentially looking for a replacement. :smile: