[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

Hmm If I have to read everything.

I’m being executed for a pretty bad play which I did not realize at the time.

I’m just wondering how much of the wagon is BD or Scum at the moment.

Don’t worry too much. I might be just a Scorned pushing on you.
Who do you think on the wagon is scum?

Probably one of the many occupiers.

The sheer amount of occupiers make me think it being Cult game with Invoker.

Or it could just legit be there’s that many BD/Neutral occupiers/redirecters. But I’m betting on my above statement.

i will be confirmed tonight so question the other 3 occupiers if i suicide tonight/ i live


Also my N1 check was Gikkle, what does it mean if I am scum? Mastermind/CL. That Gikkle is converted?

or has scum I already learnt Gikkle class. Through the few details she gave… Hmm. How many class could get the result of unable anyways?

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Do you think Gikkle is neutral?


I gave my result, she’s Special/Investigative.

My defense is basically if I’m scum would I push Gikkle.

Gikkle cannot be neutral according to my own information.

So the only way I can know Gikkle’s class is through fishing.
Being the MM/CL and converting them.
Being Seeker/Princess and checking them.

40minutes left, I’ll be surprised if somebody doesn’t hammer me.

Though if nothing blocks me I’ll probably be using WoW next night.


Heh, indeed Big Brother Prince did say that to me.

I forgot I had that card.

I hinted that Prince was Big Brother. Coincidence? You choose.

Hey, tell your scum to hammer you.
Because we’ll just lynch you D4.

Uhhh… big brother isn’t prince. Big sister is prince, reeeee.

Prince is the big brother to princess. That’s how I always thought of it.

Scum probably won’t hammer.

in the ToL meta, evils like it if nobody gets executed.

So you say you were jailed n1 :thinking:


You’re warping my quote.

Wait you deleted a post

Oh I see, I should have read better.

No I’m stupid, Im on filter

Do you have any idea already who could be the NK? And you agree that Unseen killed MathBlade, right?

Wait answer me this, did Possesed claimed Occupier?

Anyways potentials NKs are James/DatBird/Priestess/MrEevee/Marcus/Bluestorm throw Possesed in depending on above answer.

The person I suspect most to be NK would probably either have to be Marcus or Bluestorm.
Their both really ghostly people.

Unseen killing Mathblade? Well, sure then, I guess. But couldn’t NK killed Mathbalde too?

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