[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

It was stated at least 3 times, at least 2 times from me, that we only have majority lynch.
This means you did not ISO me.
But you are still accusing me.

Seems valid point to me.

this is such a weak push honestly

He did ISO’ed some of your posts? Hello?

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That were only posts from D1.
Nice, criticising my art to push someone is your only defense?

Also he’s still doing a push based on… a d1 read, accusing me of “not having progress in my reads”, while he’s literally not having progress in it since 2 days

One wise man mentioned you don’t interrupt your opponent making a mistake

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wrong, your day 2 was probably just as bad as your first if not worse, from a quick re-read

You do get scumlean on you from my opinion, mrEevee7

By the way…
what were you doing on D2? It got mentioned that this is completely atypical for ya.

i was busy

Sweet, then you can now help us with your reads : )
Please tell us your thoughts about What.

I said he’s scummy
Ill re read his posts later bc i dont have time rn

/vote MrEevee7 Well fine for me :stuck_out_tongue:

@MrEevee7 You’re gonna die, defend yourself, my friend.

I’ll do some ISO’s later, but I don’t really want to step up as king. For about 1000 reasons.

I wow’d somebody only to get unabled

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To who?



What do you mean unabled? Occupied?