[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

Well, no use fretting about it now. Who did @sulit and @Magnus occupy tonight?

So Prince would jail MrEevee7 for good while we push to lynch Cult today


No pun intended btw

If we’re dealing with starter cult I think it’s within fireslol, Eevee, and MrEevee tbh.

And if mreevee is nk, then within eevee or fire

Unless marcus gave Concentrated Wine to Sulit, he is confirmed Butler

Why them?

Marcus? You mean magnus? How?

Cult points

The starter CL can give the starter random cult member access to two non-unique BD abilities, not sure about passives

PoE. You, james, sulit, frostwolf, what all definitely not starting cult. I find it unlikely that the CL would form such a clear connection with cult!what by confirming him yesterday. Possessed is unlikely cult because of the interactions with marcus(unless I am remembering them incorrectly), so yeah. Fireslol, Magnus or mreevee, and honestly I find fireslol the most likely.

What does that have to do with magnus being conf butler?

Not Magnus, Marcus

Marcus is dead

Also, 'Merica. This is the independence number. 1776 posts.

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I am talking about Sulit aswell

Why are you talking about marcus at all

About the cult points I mentioned earlier

Oooh I get it now. I was confused because you used he, and sulit is a she. So when you said “he is confirmed butler” I thought you were referring to marcus or smth.