[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Signup Thread

Doesn’t that make me a newbie? :smile:

I played NFoL 2 I think.

Nah u were a host of that, as in nfol3

Can we just change it from 3 FOL games to 3 Forum Mafia games. I have seen a couple of people abuse this by never joining forum of lies but joining forum matches and then joining the newbie games.

I see no abuse in this. But I will keep it in mind.

Twilight is an example in the past. Obviously they didn’t join this game (yet)

Maybe my intention is not only to find new players from outside of the forum :wink:

I meant 3 forum mafia games here

There’s a significant mechanical difference between FoL and FM
Plus people coming in from other sites

Hold on a second changing classes

In the end it’ll be my decision ^^

Is this enacting the changes proposed in EFoL 3?

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No, it won’t.

Oof. I liked those changes

I’d make that obvious in the OP in that case

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I cant wait for Solics opinions on them post the end of the Efol match, from a hosting perspective. They seem like very exciting and positive changes to the game

Daily unpopular opinion:

Readslists are anti-town

I agree just because I cant write them the same as scum

Lol fine. Please go back to the fol changes thread or something like that, this thread is for the newbies :stuck_out_tongue:


For most players though, it cuts the progression part of reads off, which is one of the best things to catch scum on.