[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Signup Thread

That’s EiMM for you.
(EiMM is the subset of game that falls under)

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Time to drag 3 people here


Wifom is ur friend in that regard never state who exactly ur gonna protect if u out, but more the pool of choices and then pick one randomly or out of ur best judgment


Town: tries to win
Also Town: I’m going to ruin this man’s whole career

Dude have u watched the most recent season, I’m a little behind but Cliff is my favorite

IMO to make no nightplans and only claims when necessary is the optimal way.

Everyone is mafia mafia

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i have had zero time to watch bb sadly

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Nightplans are fine if its ambiguous and not you go do this. More like knights do that

Don’t control Prince jail.
Like seriously don’t unless you are absolutely sure a given player is scum

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IMO don’t tell anyone how they have to play, let everyone make their own decisions on their own best.

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So quick question what’s the difference between the vet list and backup list. Cause Geyde and Kai are definitely vets and Arete is an amazing new player. So what’s the distinguishing point between the two

Personally I’m on the back-up list because I’m going on vacation soon and don’t know how much time I’ll have.


I see a common problem among playerbase, and I raise a suggestion.
They definitely don’t have to follow it.

The back-up list is for people who are interested in playing only after the game already started.


Yeah and no problems with that. Have fun


Do you want me to tell you how to dodge the n1 redcheck?

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Enjoy your vacation! <3 It’s definitely good for you to take a little break because we know that if you joined in you’d be on forums instead of relaxing lol


Yes plz. It’s been my downfall and hasnt really given me time to improve my game when I only get day 1 seriously