NFoL5 (5/16) - Endgame - BD, Merc, and Strigoi win!


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I really dont

Likely appel

This is confusing. How long do you think it would take one person to get insane whole playing these games?

I’ve literally already gone mad

This is a thing, though

marl waves with dead eyes

Can we take back our vote?



You say /unvote

Ir vote someone se


You know what

/vote katze

People might choose me over Kat, but I will take comfort in probably being right on it

If Aelin’s targets are scum, they’ll be cuddled eventually and she will also die

i am quickly gonna read appelsiini and katze since they’re the other two possible wagons


/unvote. @Chloe

why is this phrased like a thunderdome in which one of us must die

im not even voting you :flushed:
or at all

why is the background white