NFoL5 (5/16) - Endgame - BD, Merc, and Strigoi win!

I would expect a dragon to write like this xD

and here I’m thinking 900+ posts are a lot xD

I’m sorry but I got lost somewhere. I think PKR and Marshal’s discussion on Marl sounds genuine to me, none of them seems to fake their point of view if I’m not wrong.

Marl being excited about being a king makes me excited honestly. I’m even surprised that some of you are actually interested in electing a newbie who might mess things up since they don’t know much about the game. But on the second thought, everyone is concerned with conversions so that makes sense.

Honestly, I would love to be a king and that makes me more excited and motivated to play the game. But I would like to know how I can use my abilities, if I become a king, to help the town?

Btw, I’m still getting confused and not being able to refer to my own confusions because I can’t really point out what is confusing me in the first place. So, I guess I’ll just give it sometime and hopefully I’d be able to grasp things properly.

Electing a king sounds important, because I see most of the discussion so far was about it, but then again some people seems insignificant about it. I think players who are insignificant, might actually have some towny vibes? Cause, if I’m getting this right? The wolfs or the cult might want to be a king too.

I am not suggesting that I read Marl as a wolf because they want to be king, but I feel like those who does not want power might actually have good people in there.

I have my classes starting in half an hour, so I might not be available for another 2-3 hours.

Oh, Do I have to vote for a different person to be the king, or can I vote myself?

So, the King has several abilities. Pass the Torch is filler, you can ignore it. Every King has it except precisely a BaronUnseen King. We are allegedly in a Cult game, so, that’s irrelevant.

Head of State, for a BD King, is strong. It lets you use Counsel and Allies on the same day, and it makes your vote a tiebreaker in ties (this is rare) as well as immune to roleblocking/occupation and redirection. Not showing up to investigative abilities is pretty unimportant for a BD King.

However, for a Cult/Unseen King, this is all significantly stronger. This is because of the Cult Leader/Mastermind passives: (snipped down to just the important part)

This means that a Cult/Unseen King will not appear to visit (making Observer obsolete), be immune to occupation and redirection, (making Butler/Drunk/Knight obsolete), and all of the other benefits I’ll go over will be both given to the Cult/Unseen but also denied from the Blue Dragon – this in itself is a large deterrent to kinging a suspicious player.

Now, Counsel is a pretty nifty ability. Use it on a player you trust, and they can’t be converted for two nights. Conversion protection is rare, and extremely valuable. Especially in a Cult game, since as I outlined earlier, Cult gets hit hard if they miss converts.

Allies is a lot stronger than you think. If you can get a neighborhood with two other BD players, you can get a lot achieved in these chats. I’ve been in a few, myself. An evil king can get use out of this too, but it’s significantly better for BD for coordination and cooperation.

Guard! is… basic protection. Use it like you’re a Physician or something. Very strong for BD, less so on evil kings. It being limited uses means it’s not objectively an upgrade from every protective, and it being a Cult game means this game is likelier to last a few extra nights, but it’s strong protection.

Order Execution is huge. Town KP is very limited here. Hunter is very conditional (bleed less so, but bear very much so), Knight is slow, Prince is once per three nights, Mystic is once and then they die… everybody wants this. Denying this from scum is a win on its own, really.

You put this all together, and yeah. King is good shit.

I think this is pretty well outlined above, but TLDR: Yes.

You can vote yourself.

you know i could have probably answered that in like three sentences, i think ive been infected with windward syndrome where i just write wallposts

(if ur reading this i still love u but damn)

Oh, I forgot to mention one other thing.

A lot of abilities cannot target King. Mostly BD ones.

More incentive for scum to get one of their own kinged, more incentive for BD to deny it. Obviously we can just execute during the day, but even if Kings weren’t roleblock immune – we wouldn’t be able to target them with conventional means. :joy_cat:

Anyway, if you want to be kinged, I personally have nothing against it.

and if you’re unsure how to use your abilities then you can probably just allies 1-2 people you trust and talk it out with them

i say 1-2 people because you don’t have to pick two people. there’s decent arguments for only picking one. two is usually better, even if you’re not 100% sure on them both being town you can use the chat to gauge their alignment; you could pick one person you trust a lot and one person you trust a lot less and use that to help solve them. especially since King can just kill someone now.

God yellow is so villagery

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they are my favorite newbie

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katze you should be more concise in your posts lol your tutor posts are too long sometimes

i consider myself a bad teacher so i overcompensate by overexplaining and then miss important points half the time


im mildly dissapointed that we have 4 newer players under 20 posts


is there anything you need / anything that’s making it difficult to really understand the game? It’s the priority of almost all veteran players here to help you out, there are a lot of ppl here willing to chat.


no ur advice is really great i think its just overwhelming sometimes

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instead of scumhunting i will dedicate this entire game into learning how to write good advice that isn’t thousands of characters too long

the colors are great and so is the formatting it makes it easier to read

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kids :baby: these days :sun_with_face: like these silly emojis :joy_cat: so I think :brain: that if you :cat2: used more emojis, It would appeal :apple: to them kids :child:!!!


marshal likes emojis so i can confidently say this is true

i too like emojis so that’s even further confirmation