NFoL5 (5/16) - Endgame - BD, Merc, and Strigoi win!

Good Meowrning Kitties

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and non-feline creatures, oogway and nap

Is now a good time to hard claim Archer

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I feel like I want to do a big wallpost.
But Katze has already done one.

I could just copy and paste it because that would be funny but itā€™s a waste.

So I guess hereā€™s just a weird hi post to those who are new.
Iā€™m PKR. Furry, weeb, gamer. Fan of deception style games and puzzles. Huge DR fan.
My playstyle, I barely know how to describe it but usually Marluxion gets my faction right somehow.
I guess just have fun and donā€™t be afraid to talk, any questions about your role/class, ask it in your PM thread probably. Any more generic questions, feel free to ask here.

And one post which is going to probably annoy those who arenā€™t new and know me well.

Sir, this is an arbyā€™s.

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This was the most boring post to enter the thread with, and while it hurt my soul, it was an interesting experience


I mean, I didnā€™t expect much to begin with tbh

of course someone was gonna do this


Nyaat very exciting, Appel

Shush. I was doing it for myself, nyat you!

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This picture should genuinely be illegal

Heya btw

Since weā€™re introducing ourselves if you dont know me which you probably do but meh whatever Iā€™m min

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I also have a really bad headache I cant get rid of even when I tried sleeping and taking medicine which is really annoying

I domt feel like figuring out how to describe the way I play so Iā€™ll let someone else do it

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nah but

thats ok go rest for now

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Iā€™ll be trying to keep my posting in this game relatively low as well
A lot of us arenā€™t exactly the target audience for this sort of game so I ask that those who are normally louder than usual do their best to step back a bit. This includes myself, of course.