Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Honestly I wish I could say that the Wazza wagon was an elaborate reaction-test coordinated by me and Hippo based on a secret code devised based on the positioning of my ":^)"s, but that would require being good at the game.

Nonetheless, this flashwagon is a veritable goldmine of reactions.

They are not only going out of their way to try to accuse Marg, they are throwing the entire car from over the mountain road.

Who exactly is accusing Marg?

This post is a sheer level of insanity

Even for Wazza, it looks too much of trying to forcedly derpclear themselves

I think you are misreading it. Wazza is saying “Marg I think you are town, tell me what to do”.

I disliked it because it felt fairly redundant asking Marg, who just shot the sheriff, what to do. It allows them to kinda avoid contributing while seeming like they are by saying “Hey I trust Marg (which most ppl do anyway btw so hardly an edgy read) I’m just doing what they say”.

That’s what I got from it, but fairly sure no one else who jumped on the wagon got that in the slightest lol.

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You gonna answer this?

This is @Mercenary
Who exactly is attacking Marg?

It’s just sheeping on fancy words. Town Wazza as far I can remember usually tries to do some stupid off-table tunneling.

I missread Wazza’s post, yep.

Yeah I didn’t like the post at all.

A simple comma here makes it read as if hes town reading her

Without it I can see a Marg scumread. I think the comma was supposed to be there from the structure of it though

Honestly when people always react by getting personal it makes it super hard to scumread.

Imma save my ITA tomorrow for the first person who gets overly-emotional :gun:

Oops quotes Mercs quotes instead of Wazzas og post

Sanity check time: Does this feel natural? This tone feels wrong.

What I can’t understand is how everyone jumped on my wagon that fast because “loool obvious sheeping”.
Everyone knows already that I don’t only sheep, I sheep blatantly and usually with a :sheep: emote when I don’t have a scumread of my own, I want to apply pressure or I’m not in the mood to push them.
It seems mainly opportunistic to me. Doesn’t helps Ici’s light as well but I’ll talk about Ici on another time.
Actually, I lost my interest on filling my exercises. I’ll do it now.



H_Hijask is a budget Memesky who was a budget Noz_Bugz.

Change my mind.
