Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

ring ring ring
“Merc lock village GOAT”

That’s what I am doing.

Does anyone see how Hjasik is town after saying they had a green check on Ici? And threatened to shoot me to try to save Magnus?

Oh I see How you outed yourself as scum to My reaction test

merc shoot me i have something to test

How interesting.

Call me Your Highness



There is no reason for scum to claim greencheck on their buddy after they got ITAd

@Mercenary shoot me i want to test ur ita

First of all I am confirmed fucking town in the OP.

You literally tried to sell Ici as a green check

Thats scary that she could shoot Intoner Mode

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It’s Day 2.

I think I should explain WHY I wanted Commander White revived.

/shoot Margaret


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ring ring ring
“Math don’t shoot Hja, they are really really really really scummy today but they had a great day one which I don’t think they could fake”
“If any of you shoot Magnus you are wasting a very useful lynch”

Sorry Merc but thats a miss

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Rip merc

Dead by counter

omg this is where i lose hope