Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

There is also a possibility of Kape being lost wolf of course


So in the world where Marg is town and Magnus is scum mafia must have an ability to enforce a perfect hacking (so Magnus could boost Marg just to get additional ITA on town, and Magnus didn’t care since he was going to die anyway). Well, that perfect hack IS too good to be true for just being something random, I feel.

If no town admits to hacking Marg, then I hate to admit, this version does sound plausible (and also since 1 mafia intoner already flipped).

Shouldn’t we just ITA Magnus? Like, this wagon is not interesting or informative at all, and he dies anyway? Just because Math wasted a gladiate doesn’t mean we have to roll with it.

Will reread Ici when I have time, but damn, the dead townie is doing all the work it seems.

Wait for it

This was So bad

What is so bad


I am telling my boss


Thia was clearly a joke boss lol, there was like 2 mins left on day.

I asked ici for Who he thinks should be Shot not long ago Heres his answer ”

Shots List
Not-Shots List

Me (lol)
Magnus (gut feeling)

Didn’t Ici say he add to me shoot list

I just copy pasted What he said

All three scum suspect is in this list

This is interested, one of them is probably scum

Hold the phone. You’re saying you purposefully lynched a PR over scum to make yourself sus"and to get more info. That is such a bad plan I find it hard believing you are town.

Now that icis dead I’ve got no one to talk to dont know Who to Use My abilities On rn

What ability

Did you seriously hardclaim you ability in the chat too

@Magnus what was exactly your reasoning to why you wanted to boost marg?