Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Press f to gamethrow

Nah I’m not caught up yet.

I would vote him but want to read the whole thread in case something changes and he looks townie.

Claim dayvig or claim nightvig?

Then perhaps start making plans after you’ve read the thread yeah?

If it’s a night vig then there’s still the problem of who shot Sweety.

I did

If scum have another claimvig they are probably gonna shoot me tonight and not you

I have same ability blue does but I can Use it only on someone Who isnt me

Nah it’s a good precaution so people don’t waste ITA shots on Magnus when there’s a mechanically correct way to go about the day.

Mechanically correct way that for some reason town isn’t letting on. Hm.

Here’s the flip

Ah cool that’s a dayvig then there’s a decent shot I survive the night without a claimvig.
If Magnus and only Magnus is lynched today, we get a second lynch.


Just like it’s mechanically correct to assume Blue checked Marg/Mag to be a V/W? J
Just like it’s mechanically correct for Math to gladiate a slot that is nigh confirmed scum, and who was 99.99999% gonna die today anyway

Excuse me for not believing these plans are all they’re cracked up to be is what I’m saying

So now we wait I guess

U saying that is crazy helpful even if u die its worth it.

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That’s about the only claim that makes sense.

/vote Magnus

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Btw I activated intoner mode N1

I’m still getting antsy about lynching Magnus. He is scum so w/e

Hi, I exist here again for lunch break. Catching up a bit.

No you dont