Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

@luxy hi shoot zone

I need to make an informed decision first this takes time dude.

Secret ITA seems like an ability I wouldn’t narrow it down to those three tbh.


secret ITA is probably a bonus shot

Ability:your next ITA will be hidden

Yeah totally it could be an ability and anyone alive could have used it, I’m just saying out of those four those were the two I suspected the most if it had to be one of those four

Anyone with a shot left who doesnt shoot zone is sus imo

we should also discuss who zone should shoot


Kape is town, wtf

Idk then i forget.


Magnus shot Kape

Kape is weird he was read as town by Math but shot by Magnus. Im not really sure where to put them. Fire prob no. Maxwell has he shot today?

Being townread by mafia doesn’t mean much

Max shot at Boss yeah he can go on the possible shot list

If magnus knew he was ded he may have done it on purpose.

Not saying max is maf but you are saying “X is town” WAY too liberally.

Ici ISO. Operating on the assumption Ici’s OK bussing but won’t aggressively seek it out:
Early Math treatment feels NAI considering he dropped that read by the time the readlist happened. Later treatment is him telling Math Geyde’s dead which is maybe a good look? (Note to self I want to reread how Math treats Geyde)
Ici mentioning villagery fluff about Zone is an obviously fake read since Zone had barely posted by then and it wasn’t fluff it was saying he’ll be busy and asking to be caught up which means he feels like he has an agenda here. Zone’s a player worth pocketing and I’m not sure why he’d whiteknight a scumbuddy out of nowhere I’d lean towards the first being his agenda here.
The way they treat Boss/Merc isn’t the way scum treats other scum.
Worth noting he talks to Blue in a way that feels like he knows Blue is town without saying that’s his read (and then adds him to the readlist). Might come up with other town. Edit: It feels on gut like he talks to Hippo this way.
That “two short fuses” stuff looks good for Astand but I’m wondering why Ici didn’t vote there it would have been natural based on progression and the degree which he was attacking there.
Interesting how he interacts with Magnus not sure the right conclusion to draw from it but I’d lean towards Magnus as town? The hard whiteknight he has on Magnus later for being uncoached is interesting because I felt like if Magnus was scum Ici would have been coaching his question responses. What’s the VC when he starts defending Magnus? I think that’s crucial to determining motive here.
He asks Magnus to read through Merc/Solic/Hippo so his read on Hippo isn’t consistent at all apparently which is strange. So is mentioning Solic from nowhere. Later asks Wazza about Merc/Blue/Math/Astand/Bird. Rule of thirds says that Ici has scum in the second list so Astand/Math?

Ici is super variable in how he treats Hippo not sure why but I feel like he’s town?
Boss/Merc/Dat are still town. I want to say his Zone read is a good look for Zone.
If Ici attacked a scum I think it’d be Astand here.
Math/Magnus interactions feel meaningful but I’m not sure his motive behind them.

Tried to shoot Magnus so we can resolve this deadlock that Math created. Got shot back in response for it.

Yeah you did was just being cautious though