Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

He claimed he didn’t know whether it was one use or not

Same, it feels like Marcus hasn’t been involved with anything to skew him as town so he was a weird choice.

did marcus claim burned

I have an ailment, same sort of feedback as NP was given

What makes you say burned?

Unless someone claims random burned (and we know those exists) Marcus might be behind the kill on BlueStorm and he’s now burning due to their ability.

What makes you say burned specifically? The only thing I see reference to is an ailment?

Past talk about ailments being burns. I think end of day 1 had him mention this, let me look it up.

dont say that youre giving honest reads after this

Presumably whoever was burned by Blue’s ability was given the ailment feedback too, burning is generally considered an ailment

Whoever killed Bluestorm is burning and is gonna die.

I am. I am trying to trace where that specific word came from. I think the first mention is a slip.

I just quoted the first mention, it came from Bluestorms flip.

This was the first mention of burn after I outed my ailment

Odd Kape says burned.

Well, I can’t find Ninja’s mention of being burned, but there’s this.

Kape have you played mafia before?

And there’s BlueStorms ability that mentions setting stuff on fire.

I’m just assuming that’s what bleeds/poisons are called in this setup.

SFoL 43 (which got canned) and some Turbos.

If TOL is counted as a turbo this is an understatement :^)