Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Isaac who’s ur biggest scum read?


not hjas idk why are you lynching her

i would rather lynch zone and if math flips town then just ita hjas

That’s not the question, who is, not who’s not

Isaac, you has been repeating this for whole day

no one is listening

Because Kape and Hjasik are scum de scum scum scums. They have their scum trolling party and probably named their discord “The trolling ones” or some bs like that

So like what makes u think its zone, what’s irked u about them

If math flips town I will agree to be lynched
Spoiler: he wont


Why are you so concerned? I flip tonight anyway. That’s a lot of don’t lynch me from a lady who is gonna be lynched today or tomorrow.

how do i put colors in text

But youre flipping scum clearing me for tommorow

ring ring ring
“Hi Blue here, having some message to Math, you’re being too headstrong on Hjasik currently, when Maxwell and Baz are much more likely to flip scum especially considering Max interactions with Solic. Step back, take a breather, and consider other combinations, Blue out”

Nah Baz is a pretty clear imo read my ISOs on them Blue

The other combinations involve me getting ignored from the grave. I tried cooperating. It lead to three townie deaths.

Fuck that. I am on my literal deathbed. Kape or Hjasik.

Baz said hes gonna instantly ITA me tomorrow can you ask him not to please.

Or youre just trying to get me lynched now Cuz you know I will be cleared tommorow by your flip

Im very happy with pushing kape right now, hes had 0 pressure all game.

/vote Kape

@bazingaboy hey if u can plz talk in chat about your shots before you do them tomorrow. Still want to hear about that ISO on Luxy you said u did

I think that something prevented Magnus from shooting whilst giving Magnus no feedback. Alice would remember if Kape was shot-immune.
As Magnus was mafia, it was probably a town ability