Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

That doesn’t answer the question.

You townread me. I gave a defense of Zone. Your reads are illogical. You should scumread both of us or neither of us.

He got ailmented d1 and I assume that’s due to a scum ability.

Also I agree that Kape has been extremely lurky
even if you are town imo go post more

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The world is ending I agree with Hjasik

Do we have proof of this?

So Blue’s flip is the only reason you scumread me effectively?

Alright, so we know Kape is not a disciple/intoner otherwise he would know the mechanics

This right here.

I could see Ninja Kape here. Ninja lies about ailments knowing they are in the game for “cred” and looks for reactions to doctor hunt but our doctor was lurk tastic

ninja gave us second lynch after magnus so no

Ninja is lock-town they targeted Magnus to give us a second lynch today.

And how do Ninja relates with Kape on those interactions

That’s a claim.

Hey guys I claim I have the status of almighty mod and I control all votes. All votes except for on Kape are invalid. I really believe it as a day action made it so.

Cmon y’all! Clearly I was made mod!

I thought you disliked trolling

@doctors don’t heal math

That doesn’t have anything to do with lock town. If he didn’t when his ability was found out as all abilities eventually are he’d be lock scum. I crumbed I was gladiating Magnus yesterday. That means fuck all

I am not trolling. I am making a point through sarcasm.

Scum doublelyncher?

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thats trolling

I have never heard of Mafia having an ability to give an extra lynch though. Mafia Gladiators are standard.