Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Can has dead chat pls?

Where is the discord invite again

I didn’t have a reason

My plan was to just kill everyone until i hit correctly

When I posted this:

I was kind of hoping Geyde would be returning to life, not me being mullered. Still worked out though.

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@Alice One thing that was somewhat concerning is that you could actually determine scum just by flavor, because logic “there must be 2 scum shades” turned out to be completely correct, and it was absolutely impossible to fake disciple/intoner or android (because boss knew all of them).
Nonetheless, I had a lot of fun this game.

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It’s a bit difficult, because making something like all androids are scum/town is also a recognizable pattern. Having everything be varied is then hard as well.

Fakeclaims from different types would have solved that, but requires more of an investment from the host.

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Can you add me to scumchat?

It’s on discord mostly and I don’t know things about discord.

So it was actually on discord and not false advertising like in efol2, huh.

Noob reapo.

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Looks fun


Firekitten lost this game

It was very much received, it was something i planned before you mentioned it to

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I thought this was mafiia server so i joined, that didnt look like mafia server

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We decided to expand the Mafia server into a portuguese general chat

Yeah like I want to say sorry because I guess it was unfair to you, but your death is the whole reason I had any sway in town. Plus Im happy I totally found you out because usually my reads are far far off


GG wolves

I’m sad that Magnus outed that

Could one of the wolfs add me to scumchat?