Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

They played absolutely great.


Baz uses a lot of unorthodox strategies.
I believe the poison was entirely random, but not quite sure.

The poisoning was pushed on by Solic, IIRC.

Wait…Marg shot me? Marg I was literally confirmed town smh.
Also I’m p sure I’d made 80 posts this game so how was this even possible?

The no contest is definitely well deserved but also I feel like town had it narrowed down to Max/Baz/Marcus and probably was always going to win. It’s a shame literally every game here ends no contest but oh well.

Hard disagree here actually scum having 7 players felt about right considering the fact that they had three forms of KP in the form of claimvig (which can double) second claimvig and ailment and that isn’t even counting the fact they can get an ITA strongman every day too.

Don’t be hard on yourself you did super well for a newbie! You had good thought process, kept up, and if there was flak you definitely didn’t deserve any of it.

Honestly all of town did really well this game at making themselves obvious town or taking the right shots so great job to everybody.

Dead interaction is just a bad mechanic in general tbh there’s ways to involve the deadchat and have them have fun that aren’t revival and mediums.


Could you provide some examples?

It’s multiplied by the night and intoner mode raises the amount from 40 -> 60
So you would have had to have made 120 posts over the course of the game

@Alice This was a really great setup and a ton of fun to play as always, so thank you a ton for hosting and be sure to tag me for any future mashes of yours! You’re a super professional host with amazing role design and flavor and it’s a shame both the games I’ve played with you as a host have ended this way.
The ITA and voting charts also made this game so much nicer to play (it took so much work in VCFM and I’m glad I had somebody to do it for me) so thanks a ton and I hope other hosts do this in the future.

  1. Marg used the empowered slank shot on you that would have killed anyone with 120 posts or lower n2.
  2. Blame it on the people here who can’t follow the damn rules. I don’t award NCs freely but when a game is decided by a mod kill on a player for editing posts/using hidden text or another who outed his entire wolfteam in dead chat with dead interaction present, yeah.
  3. 7 is technically the optimal number of wolves here. The KP for the wolves was very strong, the issue was that they all tied themselves to each other d2 and d3 and didn’t even bother distancing. For reference, there was only W/W shot, and very few W/W votes the entire game and most that was on Magnus after Math gladiator him.
  4. Agreed. Kape did extremely well for a new player.

To add, IMO Maxwell was the only one who distanced well and that was basically the wolves only chance of going deep. Baz was too blatant in not voting other wolves, Fires didn’t vote at all, Solic protecting Magnus even after MathBlade was quite cringe-y, and Ici died too soon.

Math also had a chance hadn’t he ITA’d a vengeful poisoner.

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Even then he didn’t shoot his highest scumread when he had the opportunity to do so.

The first thing that comes to my mind is introducing deadchat competitions to have the most accurate reads, predict who is right, etc. and credit those who do the best in postgame. On my homesite we’ve also had deadchat gaining a set number of investigative actions to use over the course of the game (e.g. one peek, one tracker, one rolecop, one watcher) to help them out with trying to solve the game (of course the actions couldn’t affect the game, but would give them something to talk about).
Also if you host a game with events, making events where deadchat could play and put support behind player in some way (e.g. deadchat competes, winner chooses a living player to gain a vig shot) or at the very least influence them (e.g. questions where the deadchat picks the answers) is a good idea imo.

Yeah I definitely agree here. Thread consensus seemed to be different which is why I noted that.

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Hard hard hard hard hard agree

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Thought you meant Firekitten not fireslol and was like “tf kinda dream team is that???”

Let’s be real Fire/Math/Solic would be an amazing team

(Can’t compliment Ici because maymays)

Imho no.

If town claims they should automatically be exposed to the claim vig.

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Town usually doesn’t claim and instead softs
Like I mean it isn’t infinite

I think he meant it being limited use.

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Yes. I think it should be 999 use.

Claim and die.

Otherwise the optimal strategy is mass claim day one. Scum get their limited amount of kills and everyone else is confirmed town as town just makes a circle jerk of “checking” who did what last night.


The moment scum runs out of claim vig shots is the moment town breaks the game. Unless you make a game that cannot be broken by mass claim, the claim vig has to be unlimited.

This is a very good point. At the end of the game Boss110 and NinjaPenguin ended up getting mechanically confirmed because Ici died and couldn’t shut them down.

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I definitely was never claiming while claim dayvig was alive fwiw.

Ici being 1/2 shot per day combined with the night KP from Math was perfectly acceptable imo. Town had little investigative power to cross reference claims and maybe three roles (Boss/Me/Wazza) were clearing simply by existance being proven (not counting IC because clearing itself is the point of the role) which isn’t broken just like how a couple of known town PRs in competitive vanilla setups aren’t.
Scum had plenty of power to kill claims this game and town just got lucky enough to hit the main source of it early Day 2. Maybe makimg Math’s ability be factional would be nice just to prevent town from ever fully massclaiming, but I don’t feel like massclaims had the power to break the game ever here.