Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

That kinda did

I recognized intoners (one right and one wrong) and couldn’t do anything because it said intoner not revealed intoner.

Once Ici died if all intoners claimed we were sunk.

Plus how town used the V/W to their advantage mass intoner claim once Ici died broke the game too.

Imho mass claim broke this game after Ici died

I do not discount that but being entirely unable to do anything about the medium sucked and Ici and me getting hit by vengeful poisoners.

I agree I sucked but imho even if scum went deep mass claim makes this unwinnable.

However I have won setups like that so I can’t exactly say unwinnable but close

I fear the Penguin. :upside_down_face:

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What has that ever stopped her


There was a setup on another site where claiming/softing any part of your role or even flavour was punishable by roleblocking and in some cases modkill. Really kept us on our toes.

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It was because the flavours in the game were announced to have done certain actions at the start of each day and during the day, for example whenever I healed someone, the mod would announce that my character saved someone from an attack

So essentially if I had outed that I was that person, it would have effectively made me a proven IC, along with any target I healed from an attack.

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Youre spreading secret information stop

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Ew gross

Solic actually stole my day action from me and forced me to poison you, I agree it was stupid

Not poisoning boss asap was insane

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If only I had stolen your ITA dodge increase too like I wanted, I would have lived. :smile:


I can confirm that ITA Dodge is worthless :cry:

Alice showed the rolls and I would have lived through that shot on me. There were very little players that had remaining ITA at that point too.

Solic was hit by the exact roll needed to kill him. Had the roll been one less or had he at least even a minor form of ITA dodge then he’d have survive.

Nope I died with increased dodge so it’s useless



Reee the necrobump!