Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

I think a couple of their questions are things they could have asked in scumchat, such as the whole “softclaiming” dealie. It’s pretty obvious scum is going to have a claimvig here.


Thanks! It was only short because she had a meeting to get to but it went really well and she wants a second one when we both have the time <3

I found the quote you were referring to, I think.


for now. There are, after all, 29 players in the game, and we’ve yet to see interactions between most of them.

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I am not going to read thread before I came

What is your read on H_Hjasik

I want to know if I am doing my job as scum well so far

Null, now I know you can shitpost and contribute as scum.

(Why’d you have to have such a good game that one time)

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The fact that I am not doing anything right now… Show my resolve! But anyway

Can you tell me what did I say that give you “just doesn’t fit right” feeling?

Hey Hja

Are you scum this game or just tired from trying to be from the last few games

If nothing else, you’re not pushing an agenda, which is what you geared towards in [insert game I co-hosted with Merc that I can’t remember the title of]

@Mercenary what was the name of that game you hosted where Hjasik lead mafia to victory

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I’m back, and more average than ever.


Ridiculous Runcible of Reminiscencing Rapturous Randomness?

Tired of trying to be what exactly

No, that was an Alice game IIRC

But it was similar to Adjective

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Quoting on a phone is really dumb so imma provide them once I get home, but basically

really eager to push on a “scum read” without even knowing who it is

After that defending Geyde after he noticed who the push is on, probably in an attempt to appear townie

Next he tries to deflect from geyde and himself by pushing on others.


Tries to read Hja by how much they claim scum

my villager senses are tingling


Can you quote where these instances come up for the class, please?

You can’t do that

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Who did I push?