Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Boss is probably Town.

That’s why I am defending them

But no I can’t say anything without Math omnisciently kicking me in the jaw

Ok, I’m back from school so time to reread all the 900 posts ;-; Let’s see if I keep my previous push or decide to go after someone else.
Huzzah for newbie reads!

With reason I’m trying to make you see my perspective. And I can’t do that with your fucking shit eating ideology that relies on gutreads instead of actively pushing people for their motivation

I can’t deal with you Math, I’m trying to work with you but it just doesn’t work

There’s nothing to work with on Magnus because they haven’t posted much at all, and you know that.

The very most that can be said with confidence is that they are possible scum due to their inability to post freely

This is precisely why I hate large games with you.

My words are undervalued and my opinion is worth nothing.

What did I Says about 100% ITA chance

Chill man.

I’m so glad I have a passive where the first successful ITA against me rebounds and hits the person who shot. Really gonna help me down the line.

Magnus is null for me, none of his post ping me at all, then again, it’s only 2 post

Thats totally not FPS

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How long till EoD

1 minute

Also youre at L-1

Time for me to reveal as innocent child huh?

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So… what just happened is that Sweety just committed to being dayvigged by partial clam mafia if they exist…


So thats good…

It doesnt reveal if you are hacker/shade/desciple/invoker which means that claim vigs dont target that (probably)

What’s an Android

Its probably a character type based off flavor name

Which allows claimvigs to vig

You really gotta ask that question fam?