Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

I keep confusing maxwell meteroe and mercenary so lynching one of them would also be good for my sanity.

Hello my you rlaborate on why you suspect me

You should’ve been in that game on MU when we had to deal with Insanity, Insaner and Inanity, and then you’d realize what true hell is.

Anyway, enough chit-chatting. I should probably get started reading some more folks.

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And what does it matters? Everyone knows Marg pulls out that shit all the time.
Why are you trying to throw shade on Astand now?

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I’m not trying to shadethrow Astand, I’m trying to point out Astand appears to be going from individual cases to plural cases in the wrong order.

May you explain me now how you implied him being of different alignments each post
Even when I analized it I only saw a commentary about T/S

Lol what

I’m voting Ici ùwû

Okay, look. I was responding to it ONLY BEING POSSIBLE for Boss to be wolf with Geyde, and was not trying to get an allignment lock on Geyde. As such, Geyde read it as me viewing him as two different allignments in the same post because I was trying to demonstrate somebody else’s allignment.

I was attempting to demonstrate Boss’s allignment, not Geyde’s, and you’ve been reading it as neither, so it seems.

And why do exactly it matters

Because a person’s mind naturally goes like this when considering multiple things:

  • Individual Cases
  • Small Plural Cases
  • Total Number of Cases

But Astand skips straight to the second stage by saying “two short fuses” instead of listing the numbers of each Short Fuse game.

This indicates that that post wasn’t made for the sake of internal consistency like most posts would, but purely to make it more convincing that Celeste is a bad player.

Making an affirmative won’t get me to agree with it
I saw it as you going “bUT remember he can still be wolf”
And that’s something I don’t like, contemplating far off possibilities to disrupt the current process of thought

Even if not that, there’s definitely something really fucking off about that post and the forced plural.

Not me

Seems like a bit of a stretch tbh.

Even if it does suggest it shows the post was made to convince people I dont think that’s damning to one alignment.

If you read the posts surrounding it, pretty much my only read was Boss = W. Of course I’m going to try and convince people of my only read being possible, and not immediately shut down.

I don’t see this as too much ground for a solid push.
Even if he was trying to make Celeste look bad they would theorically still remember individual cases first unless he was actually conscient of this, which is unlikely.

The problem is that this is just a statement. It’s not emotive, and it’s not even presenting a view that is controversial, but Aastand emphasises the plural as if his main goal is to convince rather than to be accurate.

And why the hell do you only have one read.