Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

I am kinda bad.
But from what i read, fireslol and DatBird is my scumread.
DatBird, idk why i think so.
But fireslol is talking very active early but suddenly become slience.

Otherwise i cant tell

Like is there any posts that stand out to you on why Datbird is scummy? Like the more reasons and posts the better.

also what do you think of the Geyde kill? Did you feel it was justified or not? Did we gain enough information or was it all a ruse?

Why’d you talk about yourself in the third person?

For fun mainly and because he was telling me I was his scum lean so I was trying to get why without being biased so I felt third person fit

I’m village bitches, and you’d better believe it.


Apparently, this is how IC reveals go now ;^)

Uhh… IC reveal number 4 but this time no color


hi isaac how r u?

Missed the color
100% proven mafia

I think its because of his talking.
And yes, his death revealed quite of infomation.
We also need to revive him somehow since he is investigative.

like any posts in particular that? Also unfortunately there is no dead interaction

No one thought its justified lol

Marg did thats why she did it

Unless marg’s bro is equally as braindead as her theyre almost definately scum.

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Nerf this!

Oh so you revealed as some tomato soup colored dva got it

