Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Plurality only so no

If I’m going to be killed, why shouldn’t I?

Both at 11 votes

Also why like the post i where i asked you if you were LW?

I’ll go read players after I’ve finished my ice cream and, probably, defend myself.

: (

You had like 3 votes bro you weren’t gonna be lynched.

The main wolfy thing about this post is the stuff in the brackets. I wish I had something more sophisticated to say but that’s so unnatural!

I’m just trying to think why somebody would seemingly imply that we tell people to lynch people without reading them if they don’t want to make the village just second-guess themself, because it feels so thrown-in to me.

Asking Marg’s opinion on who to read isn’t wolfy?

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I think it was a general question, not a question to Celeste in specific?

I agree. It’s why it’s a catch 22.

What I have always wanted is Magnus dead. If he gets lynched now then assuming I am right and he is scum then the associatives I was forming are likely good minus Geyde who was probably a scum puppet. However we lose out on buffing almost certain town.

I am trying to think which is more important, scum on a leash and more associatives or lynching Magnus now to verify the theory.

Considering Margaret is revealed as a player and could be claim-vigged at any time, why wouldn’t I attempt to follow a basic walking dead man.

/vote wazza
honestly that’s a better wagon than ici

It was replying to celeste and says you 3 or 4 times.

That’s exactly who I’d follow.

okay, instead of fucking voting me ACTUALLY FUCKING EXPLAIN WOULD YOU?

I think it’s using you in the sense of Ihr rather than Sie?

It seems like you just want to push the votes on me away from a scum.

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