Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

@Marcus_Doodalee replaced in for EzrealOfLaw!


I hope your plan worked MathBlade

@Magnus @Margaret Let me know if you got the boost. With Metereo’s flip I am looking to eat a lot of food and I wanna know where to gobble.

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Still ongoing.

Btw how did bluestorm have mechanical info that magnus/celeste had one scum?

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pretty much since hes tvt in his intoner and disciple pair it was more likely that there would be a wolf in the other ones

Did you read the logs? BlueStorm made a guess. Based on scum reactions I am thinking it’s real. I have to drive home from work but I am pretty sure it was right based on how people followed to Metereo from Magnus.

I wanna see if Margaret got the boost and responses.

I have a very strong feeling we are going to be lynching in that pair.

I am Going to ITA math in 5 min

And that would be very stupid. If you’re ITAing early I am gonna have to tip my hand to scum. Which I really don’t want to do. I have one shot to do this right.

/shoot h_hjasik

Yee haw :cowboy_hat_face::crossed_fingers:


Fuck this game


I demand a recount

Hi guys

Magnus gave me the boost

Who to shoot

Good. Plan worked. Submitting something now.

Everyone may or may not have gained a bonus of some sort today btw

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You almost shoot town there

Action submitted I have to drive home. But I have a very strong feeling we are lynching Magnus.

I had to get it out of the way early or I’d be too distracted