Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Gladiator means that they stay in a gladiate until one of them is lynched

I don’t believe it is until one of them dies.

Yes it does. I asked Alice.

Math is town because no one was fighting alongside him D1

If Magnus dies it breaks

Ask Alice plz

ring ring ring
“I like Hippo’s ISO, Math please sanity check me but I think he’s got good enough interactions to not be on the same team as Ici”

ring ring ring

“Also this hecking post”

Math pushed a person for 200 posts without anyone agreeing with him
Not wolf indicative

I can sanity check later tonight. I have to go.

Hippo was working a lot with Ici

Action was not wolfreadable, you made same read on me as wolf before as attempt to mislynch wich was stopped by other players with same argument I presented here

Closed setup no set amount of cops
Why would I out myself for cop

ITA Magnus please.

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This is literally proof youre scum here

/ITA Magnus

Also, I still believe in my previous Math + Marg + Magnus scum team 100% read. Even if it’s wrong.

Nuuu! Please spare Me,

/vote Magnus

ring ring ring
"Hjasik please stop, stop immediately!”
“Also Kape, stop trying to get shot on Magnus”

Why is everyone sus of me anyway?

Stop from trying to lynch outed wolf?

Also since wolves already know I was icibalus’s intoner