Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

I havent read him

Im not just gonna shoot a total afk randomly let slankvig get them.

Shoot MathBlade for cookie

Slankvig is a slank themself this game I think :^)

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Im tempted but if i miss or he flips town id probably die today and i dont wanna die.

Can I evolve into slankvig

Why does nobody understand that Mag’s flip breaks open where scum were on d1?

You wont die for that

No I pressed B mid evolution

If we lynch mag we get a second lynch apparently.

I would shoot Zone instead honestly

I would shoot icis puppet instead

If Mag’s flip clarifies Math’s alignment, then talking about it is quite pointless

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Ninja was bleed D1 (I think?) and the only person who would do that is Zone

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How does it break it open if he flips town? :eyes:

/ITA Zone @Alice

No? Me, marg, baz ?

Tells us that scum have been in the driver’s seat

I would have waited for the first one to flip first but whatever

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