Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

im probably gonna die to scum

Why do you think they went penguin D1 and you D2?

Ailments. Also since Marcus could’ve gotten a night action in and Braixen died to a night kill, Ezreal might’ve been Mafia with Marcus now taking over.

It makes a fair bit of sense if she’s immune to ITA death due to being intoned

If Magnus knew that Intoner mode would give her this specific immunity that changes my assumption significantly

Has anyone here played a lot with penguin. I haven’t been around a while but he seems like an odd target D1 given although he was active he wasn’t crazy active.

BlueStorm* not Braixen.

Marg claimed vig on braixen

But at the same time someone called out bleeding(or whats the name) on day 1, so this isn’t water proof.

Kape has anything mechanically happened to you that makes you town?

Then I missed that, nevermind me, I’m dumb.

Other than getting shot by Magnus and now accusing all people for dumb reasons, don’t think so.

But I have reason to be considered town.

Oh yeah ofc.

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Most of the stuff happened at 4am for me, I’m forgetful :frowning:

Well, maybe, maybe. Eh, I’m already too tired to start rethinking Margaret once again.

I’m just thinking ahead cuz when the zone/math/Solic mess is sorted out I dunno who we go after.

It states on Mag’s ability that it gives Marg double accuracy for ITAs as well as bonuses to her day and night abilities, so it is conceivable that neither Marg nor Mag knew that she would be immune to ITAs.

@Town protective 100% heal Ninja tonight if you can imo

I love it how our invests are just off having a barbecue or something.

Marg would know, Intoners get the info about what their Intoner mode does in their class cards.

Magnus wouldn’t know what the bonuses did. I backread his ISO earlier and he says that they were somewhat suspicious of each other and Margaret didn’t deny it. So Magnus not knowing seems probable

Magnus said that marg is vigilante