Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

I’m literally waiting with my vote just for his defense.
And he’s not really giving us one, so 10 minutes and I’m voting.

Obviously, math was unleashed to intoner mode today wasn’t he?

Zone hasn’t been paying attention, he’d probably just do what math said.

Hi guys im back

I see Magnus flipped scum as predicted but uhh


Btw is it weird that Marcus claiming ailed makes me trust him a bit less.

We lynched him

Oh yeah the double lynch thing

Wait a minute. I just checked. Cupcake was Doc! :angry:

I haven’t been in-game for who knows how many hours and you expect me to suddenly catch up? Wut?

Well I don’t care about what anyone else says; I only care about my own claim.

What the-- He already told that!? Gah, I had hoped for more from a masonry.
He basically asks why I keep stating that I am town in the PM as well, so I believe he really is town.
If he told you all that I am in a masonry with him… Did he also tell you about my abilities?

Yeah we know you’re a killer.

I believe you both are scum together.

Wait, what?

As you’ve prob figured It was a reaction test, you did alright. But you have been not very forthcoming with any reads you have. I could be confbiasing but w/e

Great. Useless post. What more do I need? :expressionless:

Well then. I know who to tunnel now.
/vote Mercenary



I believe you are both scum as well. Does that make me scum too?

Zone you can seriously lolcat now

Well what the heck did you expect? Based on P#5625, I assume that Math has already told you that I am in a masonry with him. I have also already stated that I am practically useless until today (April 19th), so what do you even expect from me?

We mainly suspect you as a result of your interactions with Icibalus, who flipped scum.

A good start to defending yourself is to go back over these interactions and show how Ici’s flip doesn’t skew you as scum like we all think.
