Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

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Hang on a minute…

Hippo, you are next after Merc.

So he did use his ability after all…

I swear I’m gonna tunnel the hell out of you three…

Mmn… Okay.




You won’t

@Zone_Q11 Why did you decide to grant power to Math last night? And why did you trust each other so much you claimed in your chat?

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I scum read you all

My ITA rate is potato it was unlikely to hit.

Zone you get an ITA shot and get to shoot someone. I suggest using it on fireslol or maaybe Solic.

If you actually use it on Merc or Isaac or Me you’re pretty much hanging yourself, so please don’t if you are town.

I’m about to suicide bomb and kill 3 people

Oops autocorrect

Isaac stop it was funny once.

I will

He actually doesn’t have an ITA shot, since he made Math go to Intoner mode.

Not stop because I’m bored