Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Anything can hurt a person, if it is endearing enough. However, you must be strong to survive in MU, so a little loli trying to force you into submission wont put you down!

You gotta work your way up! Defeat the little one in their own shenanigans! :electric_plug:

Your disenginuity is painful to read.

The fuck is wrong with you

Well, I think you should wait for Geyde to calm down first. I don’t think we can get any information from him as of now

I know it is, im disappointed in myself as a counselor too

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Then you should stop trying to hurt people.
You aren’t thinking to help anyone by how you are acting.

You are painting yourself out to be an asshole with no regard for the person on the other screen

Not necessarily trying to but uhh ok

I’ll take it

Blaming others for problems is a good way to alleviate stress albeit a bad habit

If you ever need it, you can always call me other things

Dont quote me on that because its only an immediate method of alleviating stress, but in long term it makes the stress worse as it catches up to you, just had to say that for other readers

I was completely disgusted by this comment.
Not blaming anyone for my problems. I’ve done enough of that.

Do you want to talk about it?

Firstly, Marg, knock it off.

Secondly, DatBird’s entrance didn’t seem unusual to me, and I think people are just reading into writing nuances too much.

Come to think of it, why are you so desperate to get Geyde to claim scum? You’re actively admitting you’re pushing an agenda and it really feels off to me.

/vote Margaret

Will likely not respond to the thread until after this date I got early morning

Just to say, shit like this adds nothing and is essentially posting for the sake of posting.


You are not in this game right

I am. I got a card atleast.

@Magnus Shhh

Number 17, just above me.

I need to read Math’s posts more.

Meant to ping Magnus, sorry math

I see, thanks you

Have anyone here give you a weird feeling, like, I don’t like the way this guy is talking