Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Hij why don’t you quote some of your interactions with Ici that make you town or something. Ici only has like 100 posts it won’t take long.

I quoted interaction with Magnus like 2 times

But what about you interaction with Ici?

Oh yeah I do remember that.

ISO him And find out

It’s you own job to defend yourself not me, since I am not townreading you right now

Why would I Bring Icis interaction when I am already cleared by Magnus ones

It doesn’t clear you wolves accuse other wolves all the time.

Here is the thing, you are not clear from Magnus one because he didn’t know you are lost wolf

Magnus is a new player And he brought me up for no reason

then remove your towncore because they cant be cleared by interactions since they didnt know since we’re all lost wolves

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Just kill Hjasik already…

@Emilia Are you sure that you didn’t signal anything to Ici?


Hijask has a good point Boss. There’s a town of people who “could be lostwolves” right now. Hell, even Datbird can be a lostwolf.

Dismissing his points that he isn’t scum by saying “doesn’t count, you are a lostwolf” isn’t a great rebuttal.

You:Youre wolf
Me:No because I am cleared by interactions
You:you can still be lost wolf
Me: anyone can be lost wolf but youre townreading ppl in your towncore for interactions
You:just kill hjas lol

The thing is, Hjasik has been doing what a lost wolf would do

But Hij has been pretending to be a lostwolf since forever so it’s kinda her fault if we suspect her of it lol.

While the other didn’t

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He’s right Hij. You have no one to blame for yourself for being suspected as LW, I forgot about your 8000 posts of you softing it.