Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

All it takes is one fool to not believe me and i get ITA’d at the start of tomorrow though. It doesn’t matter that the majority wouldn’t lynch me.

So stressful having to convince every single person you’re inno.

The lady doth protest too much

/Shoot hippo

fuck sake


Baz already shot :’^}

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Like I said all it takes is one idiot.

Remember me.

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Oh thank god

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Nice reaction

WHen is this day going to end so I can shoot hippo for real though

Ur dying before me tomorrow mate

Like legit please shoot Bazinga and Max before me.

Setting my google alert right now bucko

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If they are both maf and you guys still think I am maf then imma give up on life.

I am at odds with like everysingle person outside of the townbloc I don’t see how anyone can think I am on a team with any of them.

Like if I am mafia my teammates are marcus datbird and boss lol cuz they’re the only ones I havent got into beef with or threatened to shoot me.

Shots fired :gun:

Imma wait for day to start tomorrow and instantly snipe Bazinga.

If he is gonna kill me it is my only option.

I can’t let you do that