Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Astand’s been really protown with his questions. Luxy has been very innoffensive and played pretty much how I would expect scum Luxy to play.

Luxy is a much better shot imo.

The Marg buff is literally Mod confirmed.

Again your message is wrong as you’re scum.

And if it isn’t you are so antitown you might as well rand scum every game chica.

That’s my point. Ninja is arguing the literal impossible.

I’m suggesting he buffed Marg because he had an incredibly low level of understanding and thought somehow that would gain him towncred when he was 100% dead no matter what he did so if he really understood the gamestate he doesn’t buff her and shoots a confirmed townie.


No, you are definitely wrong about that, it was mafia team plan to buff Margaret.


I am using reductio ad absurdum

If Magnus wasn’t aware of the gamestate then he doesn’t buff Marg. He buffed Marg. Ergo he was aware of the gamestate and Ninja’s point is invalid.

Because Solic perfect hacked Margaret to redirect her shots.

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: hey remember when you always scumread me in every towngame i have that kinda shows that you dont know How to read me

: Well no What youre saying is Wrong Cuz youre scum

And you’re saying none of his buddies that are oh so smart would help him. Solic and Ici two smart people wouldn’t go “No this is dumb”

To my understanding, and thanks to Solic’s flip, he might’ve tried to buff Marg to guarantee 2 town kills. We have seen a Scum Intoner, they can double ITA, why wouldn’t a Town one also be able to do that.

In other words Ninja is spewing literal bullshit to avoid shooting Kape.

Math What will you do when I flip town


Won’t happen and I will already be dead.

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/vote zone sorry its better than hjas getting lynched

I’ve decided Hij vs Math is the most painful TvT in all of existence.

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i think hjas is town

So you don’t care about the fact that more town can drop?

So despite you tunneling me in every towngame I had with you
You ignore that And say that I am 100% scum And there isnt chance that I am town