Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

I honestly can’t tell I had a strat.


The whole idea of not trying to aggressively care and being incredibly tryhardy. New scum generally get into that pattern so I assume your teammates suggested the opposite to you.

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My first game was omnimiller And I was lynched day 1 since cop had checked me as neut

All newbies are expected to react the same :^)

looks at Overthebin,myself, Merc, Hjasik

My first game was town neighbor and I attacked my other neighbor who was town the entirety of the game.

Nah, I play a lot of like ToS, ToL. And my first game in those as scum was always overreacting, loud.

FK coached me into claiming that I had a very important ability proveable at night to avoid lynching
it worked.

I think I passed my first reaction test. Well I was town that game so yea :slight_smile:

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claiming miller as town for the lulz

I still have like 30 minutes left before I bite the dust.

One time I claimed one shot self-healing doc as two shot self-healing doc and then changed my claim after healing myself twice to three shot self-healing doc.


pls leave fool

I mean pls nerf reaction tests

Advanced level fakeclaiming

I drew two nightkills and then was going to draw a third but scum was eliminated by then.

Once I claimed NK as town

You also claimed NK as NK

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I’m just listening to Mii Theme Jazz right now.

If Shurian didn’t decide to bring the MM out of the stand and if Livicus didn’t moderror on the fire emblem fm, I could have been actively decisive for the game :frowning:

How do you update your logs again?