Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

It was me

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Chapter II - Verse XII: Brother, Oh Brother


Accused Voters Count
ZoneQ11 H_Hjasik 1/9
Maxwell Boss110 1/9
Fireslol Astand, Marcus_Doodalee, Maxwell, Isaac_Gonzales Hippolytus, Kape, DatBird 7/9
Mercenary ZoneQ11 1/9
H_Hjasik BazingaBoy, Fireslol 2/9
Kape MathBlade 1/9
None NinjaPenguin, WazzaAzza, Margaret, Mercenary 4

“Im- impossible!” Fireslol shout in despair with the last remnants of his energy towards the rest of the group.

“Brother…” Yet quickly he was found guilty and put to death over his crimes.

Fireslol was…

Fireslol's Flip


Eve is a simple minded man. He does not like to think deeply about something and he usually questions about things that he does not have to do. He also appears to be childish in a way, specifically with Adam.
You are a Machine Lifeform and are aligned with the Mafia!

ITA Abilities
24% Chance to kill a target player.
Can be fired once per day.

Machine Network (Passive) - Attacks from players who are Machine Lifeforms will always miss you.
Hacking - Medium (Passive) - Every day you can try to guess one player’s security value. If you get within 10 points of their security value, their ITA rate will be reduced by 6*(11-MoE)% and their ITA defense will be reduced by 4*(11-MoE)%. If the guessed value is exact, then you can redirect their ITAs for the day.
Second Strike (Day) - You have a second ITA that can be used today, but it will be silent. - Two uses.
Oblivion (Night) - Tomorrow your target’s ITA hit rate will be lowered by 65%. - Infinite uses.
Malice (Night) - Tomorrow your target’s will be 50% more vulnerable to ITAs. - Infinite uses.

Goal: Eliminate the Town.

We found the following logs on him.

Fireslol's Logs


The second night begins now and will last for 24 hours until April 21st at 8:00 PM EST, please send your night actions by then.

/vote Fireslol


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you guys are all noobs (last message)

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This topic was automatically opened after 23 hours.

Chapter III - Verse I: Carnage


Many thought that the massacre they witnessed in the previous day was over, but they were wrong, on the battlefield lay several more corpses to add to the death toll witnessed in the previous cycle.

The corpses were examined and they were MathBlade, NinjaPenguin, Astand, Mercenary, ZoneQ11, and H_Hjasik.

MathBlade was…

MathBlade's Flip


“The fifth Intoner sister and ruler of the Land of Mountains. She is very straight-laced and listens carefully to what others have to say. But her superior air masks a distorted inferiority complex. Her sexual desires match those of her sisters, but her uptight personality prohibits her from acting on those desires. She is the only virgin among the Intoners.”
You are an Intoner and are aligned with the Mafia!

ITA Abilities
21% Chance to kill a target player.
Can be fired once per day.

Intoner (Passive) - Your Disciple is Decadus and you share a neighbor with them.
Intoner Mode (Day) - Increases your ITA chance by x2 and allows for a second shot. Using this will out you as an Intoner and your Disciple will be unable to use ITAs and day abilities for the next day and night abilities for the next night. Your disciple needs to agree for you to use this in the previous night.
Ruler of the Land of Mountains (Day) - Select a target, resets the votes, and only you and them will be votable for the day. You will have two bonus votes if you have activated Intoner Mode on the same day. - 3 uses.
Four’s Claws (Night) - Guess a player’s character type. If you guess it right then they will die, bypassing all forms of protection and roleblockling. Cannot be used against other Intoners. If Intoner Mode has been activated in the previous day then you can select up to two targets. - 3 uses.

Goal: Eliminate the Town.

We found the following logs on MathBlade

MathBlade's Logs

“Pi is irrational and logical. The ultimate contradiction.”

NinjaPenguin was…

NinjaPenguin's Flip


“Kainé is possessed by a Gestalt who dubs himself Tyrann, and as a result of her upbringing and Tyrann’s occupation of her body, she has a disposition towards being cold and cruel.”
You are a Replicant and are aligned with the Town!

ITA Abilities
18% Chance to kill a target player.
Can be fired once per day.

Shade Hunter - Medium (Passive) - For every dead player, you gain +1% ITA hit rate and incoming ITAs have a -0.5% hit rate, both round up.
Insult (Day) - Resets the votes, and only you and your target will be votable for the day. To use, reply the following to them. - 2 uses.

Weiss! You dumbass!

Kainé’s Swords (Night) - Marks a target. If they are lynched tomorrow and there is still time left in the day then another lynch can happen. - One use.

Goal: Eliminate the Mafia.

We found the following logs on NinjaPenguin

NinjaPenguin's Logs

D1-Given an ailment and will die in two nights if not healed. Not sure who gave it to me.
N1-Used Kaine’s Swords on Magnus.
N2-Used Kaine’s Swords on bazingaboy.

I just realized during this night (N2) that scum probably bussed whoever killed Blue for the free towncred because they were dead tonight anyways. If no scum are dead today, keep this in mind (early guess is that Magnus/Fires was the killer and probably the first of the two because they’d bus Ici after he got a shot off and Boss is basically confirmed town so Solic likely wasn’t bussed). Also, you’d think Magnus used his day ability on some townie (maybe unless he thought he still had a shot on Kape) so that could incriminate Math/Isaac for killing townies on their first shot maybe? Isaac needs more attention this game tbh he’s still not very townie.

Also if Math’s alive he should reevaluate instead of being obstinate and tunnely for no reason. Occam’s Razor is a thing for a reason and people who GIVE TOWN EXTRA KP are always town smh.

I’m too lazy to read over the game over the night tbh so just treat my reads as still how I last said them but don’t trust them too much since I haven’t reevaluated with fires’s flip.

H_Hjasik was…

H_Hjasik's Flip


“A member of the proud dragon race who travels alongside Zero. A supreme idealist, he thinks conflicts can be solved by words alone. But his idealistic talk annoys Zero to no ends, although he remains oblivious.”
You are a Disciple and are aligned with the Town!

ITA Abilities
18% Chance to kill a target player.
Can be fired once per day.

Disciple (Passive) - You are the Dragon of Zero and you share a neighbor with them.
Fire Breath (Day) - Sets a player on fire, causing them to die in two nights. - 3 uses.
Grant Power (Night) - Allows Zero to use her Intoner Mode. This Increases her ITA chance by x2 and allows for a second shot while also giving her day and night abilities a bonus effect. If you use this ability then you will not be allowed to use any abilities or ITAs for the next day or night actions for the next night.

Goal: Eliminate the Mafia.

We found no logs on her.

Mercenary was…

Mercenary's Flip


Devola is a bard and is a regular performer at the tavern in Nier’s village. Popola, her twin sister, is the librarian in charge of the village library. Both sisters are considered the leaders of the village and are always looking out for Yonah during his frequent absences.
You are an Android and are aligned with the Town!

ITA Abilities
16% Chance to kill a target player.
Can be fired once per day.

Twins (Passive) - You will have a neighbour with Popola, who you know is a member of the Town.
Shielding (Passive) While the other twin is alive, ITAs have half their chances of hitting you.
Hacking - Medium (Passive) - Every day you can try to guess one player’s security value. If you get within 10 points of their security value, their ITA rate will be reduced by 6*(11-MoE)% and their ITA defense will be reduced by 4*(11-MoE)%. If the guessed value is exact, then you can redirect their ITAs for the day.

Goal: Eliminate the Mafia.

We found the following logs on Mercenary

Mercenary's Logs

Daily reminder that Luxy is town
Counterclaiming mason here.

ZoneQ11 was…

ZoneQ11's Flip


“A well-muscled disciple who fights with his fists. He is well-mannered and a perfect gentleman around women and appears to be the most normal of the disciples. However, he is an extreme masochist who perceives any torment or adversity as a reward. He’s tried to conceal his masochistic tendencies, but everyone is well aware of his true colors.”
You are a Disciple and are aligned with the Town!

ITA Abilities
18% Chance to kill a target player.
Can be fired once per day.

Disciple (Passive) - You are a Disciple of Four and you share a neighbor with them.
Masochistic Joy (Day) - Select a player and redirects all attacks on them to you. - 4 uses.
Grant Power (Night) - Allows Four to use her Intoner Mode. This Increases her ITA chance by x2 and allows for a second shot while also giving her day and night abilities a bonus effect. If you use this ability then you will not be allowed to use any abilities or ITAs for the next day or night actions for the next night.

Goal: Eliminate the Mafia.

We found no logs on him.

Astand was…

Astand's Flip


"An old-looking disciple who fights with special ring weapons, known as chakrams. Despite his appearance, he has a whimsical air about him and boasts a seemingly insatiable sexual desire. "
You are a Disciple and are aligned with the Town!

ITA Abilities
17% Chance to kill a target player.
Can be fired once per day.

Disciple (Passive) - You are a Disciple of Three and you share a neighbor with them.
Rule of Divine Law (Day) - Prevents all players from visiting your target. - 3 uses.
Grant Power (Night) - Allows Three to use her Intoner Mode. This Increases her ITA chance by x2 and allows for a second shot while also giving her day and night abilities a bonus effect. If you use this ability then you will not be allowed to use any abilities or ITAs for the next day or night actions for the next night.

Goal: Eliminate the Mafia.

We found the following logs on Astand

Astand's Logs

D1 - prevent visits from Hippolytus
D2 - prevent visits from DatBird
N2 - grant power to Hippolytus (I’m going to trust him now, he was very towny in chat)

Hippolytus is my Intoner and I outed to him that my day ability is protective, so if you read this, it’s suspicious that I died (after all, I wasn’t really cleared and not good target for mafia). And if Hippo shoots town, kill him 100%.

Other thoughts: well, too much dependds on Math flip here, if Math is alive, KILL HIM for sure (maybe lynch him, in case scum angel makes him immune to ITA as well), 2 town doctors (Meteoro and cupcake) are dead and I’m also protective, so it means scum doc must have healed him.

Also Hippo said he would bus drive Math with some confirmed town, so if Math is alive, Hippo probably lied (btw Hippo’s claim is why I found odd that Marcus joked about Hippo being bus driver, but maybe a coincidence).

Other mafia: if Math is mafia, don’t necessarily tunnel Zone still, but he becomes a good suspect nonetheless and needs to claim.
Bazinga is probably scum, don’t like his recent behaviour.
Margaret, Boss, DatBird are pretty much locktown. Ninja is probably too, but will be a little more sus if he’s still alive.
Merc, hjasik and Maxwell I feel are just town. Kape could be scum if Math flips town, Wazza is potentially deep wolf (his redirecting ability could have been a part of mafia plan).
Isaac really not sure. Marcus too, but leaning town.

The third day begins now and will last for 48 hours until April 23th at 8:00 PM EST or until someone is lynched.

ITA History

Shooter Target Outcome Day
BazingaBoy H_Hjasik MISS Day 2
Isaac_Gonzales WazzaAzza COUNTER Day 2
C-WazzaAzza Isaac_Gonzales MISS Day 2
Isaac_Gonzales GamerPoke HIT Day 2
H_Hjasik Boss110 MISS Day 2
WazzaAzza Boss110 MISS Day 2
Maxwell Boss110 MISS Day 2
Margaret DatBird>(Redirect)>WazzaAzza COUNTER Day 2
C-WazzaAzza Margaret MISS Day 2
DatBird Icibalus HIT Day 2
Marcus_Doodalee Magnus MISS Day 2
Mercenary Margaret MISS Day 2
Margaret Magnus>(Redirect)>WazzaAzza COUNTER Day 2
C-WazzaAzza Margaret MISS Day 2
Kape Magnus MISS Day 2
Fireslol Magnus MISS Day 2
Hippolytus ZoneQ11 MISS Day 2
Solic Margaret MISS Day 2
MathBlade TeenierTub HIT Day 2
MathBlade Cupcakeaj2 HIT Day 2
Astand MathBlade MISS Day 2
??? DatBird MISS Day 2
Luxy ZoneQ11 MISS Day 2
Boss110 Solic HIT Day 2
NinjaPenguin Luxy HIT Day 2

EoD D1 VC Recap - Meteoro’s Lynch

Accused Voters Count
Solic Maxwell 1
Mercenary WazzaAzza, Icibalus 2
H_Hjasik ZoneQ11 1
NinjaPenguin Cupcakeaj2 1
Magnus H_Hjasik, Meteoro, BlueStorm, Isaac_Gonzales, Kape, NinjaPenguin, Hippolytus 7
Meteoro Boss110, Bazingaboy, Magnus, Mercenary, Solic, Astand, Margaret, MathBlade, Lucy, DatBird 10
Isaac_Gonzalez Braixen 1
None GamerPoke, Marcus_Doodalee, TeenierTub, Fireslol 4

EoD D2 VC Recap A - Magnus’ Lynch

Accused Voters Count
Magnus BazingaBoy, Isaac_Gonzales, MarcusDoodalee, Hippolytus, DatBird, WazzaAzza, Margaret, Solic, Kape, Mercenary, H_Hjasik 11/11
MathBlade None 0/11
None Boss110, NinjaPenguin, ZoneQ11, MathBlade, Magnus, Luxy, Maxwell, Fireslol, Astand 9

EoD D2 VC Recap B - Fireslol’s Lynch

Accused Voters Count
ZoneQ11 H_Hjasik 1/9
Maxwell Boss110 1/9
Fireslol Astand , Marcus_Doodalee, Maxwell, Isaac_Gonzales Hippolytus, Kape, DatBird 7/9
Mercenary ZoneQ11 1/9
H_Hjasik BazingaBoy, Fireslol 2/9
Kape MathBlade 1/9
None NinjaPenguin, WazzaAzza, Margaret, Mercenary 4

oh fuck

I was fucking right, Math was scum!

so 3 scum and 7 town

Additionally, we need a replacement for a vacant slot. PM if you wish for it.


Jesus christ that’s a lot of dead people.

Hjasiks flip has Ninja’s Logs.






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Ugh, I’m either dead today or tonight.

did i miss someone?

Yes you missed me from the Town list.

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You missed me as Town.