Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Oh… it says “Too Many” have died ._.


Not “All of Them

Why is Margaret still alive?

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Surely scum would’ve killed her.

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should she have died of anything?

Oh yeah right, DatBird is confirmed Town lol.


No. Scum would always kill an almost confirmed Town.

if hippo flips town i say we go for baz

We still don’t know if you hit Maxwell yet.

Yo Isaac, why yo bullet slow lmao.

their kills seem really weird, Astand and Zone. Merc another almost confirmed town did die though

she is flipping hippo rn

Those 2 kills were actually me

Ha ha ha ha ha…

Well not astand but

Can you actually kill a Mafia for once lol.



Chapter III - Verse II: The Weird Intoner


As the day started BazingaBoy went straight towards Hippolytus, scoring a critical hit and slashing him and causing him to bleed to death from the blow.

Hippolytus was…

Hippolytus' Flip


“The fourth of the sister Intoners, she rules over the Land of Forests and has a fan following amongst some of the soldiers under her command. Lazy and apathetic, she hardly cares for things not striking her interests, but shows obsessive tendencies towards anything of interest. She is innocent, yet stubborn and shows no interest in Zero whatsoever.”
You are an Intoner and are aligned with the Town!

ITA Abilities
19% Chance to kill a target player.
Can be fired once per day.

Intoner (Passive) - Your Disciple is Octa and you share a neighbor with them.
Intoner Mode (Day) - Increases your ITA chance by x2 and allows for a second shot. Using this will out you as an Intoner and your Disciple will be unable to use ITAs and day abilities for the next day and night abilities the next night. Your disciple needs to agree for you to use this in the previous night.
Ruler of the Land of Forests (Day) - Select a player and their day abilities will fail if used in the same day. You can select up to two players if Intoner Mode was activated in the same day. - 3 uses.
Three’s Scissors (Night) - Swaps two players for the night, causing any action that targets one to target the other. If Intoner Mode has been activated in the previous day then you can swap three players at whatever order you wish. - Infinite uses.

Goal: Eliminate the Mafia.

We found the following logs on him.

Hippolytus' Logs

D1: No actions
N1: Swap myself with Boss110.
D2: No actions
N2: Swap Kape with Boss110.

Assuming I was ITAd before I had a chance to come on, reveal as Intoner, and kill some scum. So thanks for that a-hole, really appreciate it.

But jokes on you, the only reason I swapped Boss outta danger is so I can haunt the shit out of u guys and hurl unjustified abuse at my killer :imp:.

My Disciple has been very towny in our PM but do not rule him out a Scum. Also I claimed bus-driver to him but didn’t say who I’d be swapping. Also he should have Intoned me last night.

Good luck guys, had a blast playing with you all inspite of my untimely death.

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If this flips Town my hope in Town is lost.

I wish

I snapped Ninja and Zone

And it’s lost.

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