Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Something unexpected and imperative came up for me with school.

Are you Merc’s mason twin? We’re still looking for them.

I realize this as I haven’t been replaced, but as of now, I don’t have the time to finish out this game.

I already left my role PT.

Ok simple one thing, flavor name, any abilities, and are u mercs Mason. Like if u can answer this we can take u off the Poe and u dont have to worry about this forum game anymore

Well do u remember any of it. We need some basic info to game solve this

Can u at least ITA Baz? Anything? I get ur busy but one more post with this stuff instantly clears you and confirms ur not on a team with Baz

Well I guess that just outright confirms ur scum

No it doesn’t. On principle I’m not responding to your inquiry because I’ve left the game.

It kinda does though, if u were town subbing ot you would have told or never responded in the first place, if you were scum you would prob announce it and never tell us anything

Wrong again. As town it’s my responsibility to inform you all that I’ve left the game because the host has not even though I gave them this notice right near the start of the night phase.

Ergo this.

Like I would be totally fine if u left it after the first two message but the fact you keep messaging just further cements the idea in my head. Like yeah by process of elimination yeah you were prob the one subbing out or Hippo its impossible to tell until you said something because Hippo died before being able to say anything. But the fact you keep responding and not defending your slot damns your slot to be scum

No it most certainly does not. I am just trying to clarify an omission made by the host when I have been pinged six times and accused by multiple people after already having left the game, which is fairly infuriating. This is my last message.

Are you calling a confirmed Town Scum right now?

@Marcus_Doodalee you wanna respond to this

/vote Baz
Kill this today, day continues if we do.

Do we have confirmation on that bounty? @Boss110 did Ninja mention anything?

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Don’t hammer

Can you unvote for now?