Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)



Booooo shhhhh blasphemy! Do not speak against the platinum record of Wolfblade. It has all the hits!

Basically all scum conversation happened in the scumcord. There was a scum PT but we didn’t talk in it.

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I want to see deadchat :^)

Also I was basically VT since I did nothing

Also contains the ITA rolls. The fact that most of you had to roll over 100 to even have a chance to hit Baz shows how stupidly broken his passive was.


@MathBlade can you explain the gladiate on Magnus? Did you do it for Town cred or was there something more behind that move?

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He didn’t have to use even 1% of his power

He did it for the town crew.


THEY LITERALLY GOT EXACTLY THE THRESHOLD ON ME? This upsets me. :upside_down_face:

I knew we should have gone with dodge

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How did Isaac catch Wazza with Cover Fire?

Yeah, same as Maxwell.

Towncred plus he didn’t show up in like Discord chat
My home site says gladiate always town
I thought gladiate and IC were in the first post
So I figured he would never post

He barely said a word
When he showed up I gave him a chance to play.
Which strategically was a mistake

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So town ran good this time :^)

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He didn’t he used CF on Braixen n1 then on Baz n2, which didn’t help since Baz hit Hippo who was cursed with Sins of the Fallen.

I’m still irritated that DatBird shot me before I could post out of it.

Btw do us a favour and don’t put mediums in your setup again


Towncred is a good way to get rid of dead weight

I also wasn’t 100% thinking rationally either due to reasons which I want to wordsmith with Alice if I go in-depth at all.

Yeah, this is like the second time in a row that the wolfteam is outed in the chat despite that I’ve warned people that there is dead interaction in the game.

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Same. I had the whole day saturday to finally do something instead of just trying to look townie enough.