Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

@Alice you shouldn’t punish Magnus, and if you are you should still punish me for what happened last time in another game, though I don’t remember it.

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If there were any other circumstances, I would have scumread her for that

But she had an open dayvig ability, which is commonly town.

Which is why in my next mash all dayvigs will be silent.

This something I noticed you guys talk as the non-silent dayvigs are always a town abilities in my mashes, so this is why I’m changing it to all silent dayvigs as now it pretty much turns the user into a mechanically confirmed villager, even if they did something so monumentally anti-town such as using the dayvig on a revealed IC.


Tfw you realise Math pulled an amazing CFD off scum d1 with like one minute to spare that quietly went unnoticed. Solid move :+1:


It got noticed day two but yeah I got lucky though in that I scumread both and Blue took the bait of the boost.

I think Geyde greenchecked him from the grave
Since I disguised him that night
Geyde had a bunch of way off reads day 2 that were helping scum.

You mean me also shooting everyone

Townfirming Marge was scum’s best move. Change my mind. :wink:


Any big mash-style games planned for the future? Someone @ me when theres one on discord or here. :v:


I’ll explain why dead interaction should NOT be removed:

  • There is not really a problem with it in mass gamemodes like this, just make sure you physically state when a player dies that you are not allowed to out your mafia in dead chat thanks to possible dead interaction, more implications the better.
  • It gives some Town some second chances to be able to do important stuff.
  • There isn’t many problems with it.

counterpoint: Being unable to remove the voices of dead villagers is HORRIBLE for the wolves and literally cannot be countered, period.

And before you ask, it’s the EASIEST thing ever to stop the wolves from being able to kill the mediums.

Zero’s Blade (Day) - If any player has outed one of their abilities, then you can use this ability to kill them bypassing everything.
Sins of the Fallen (Day) - Marks a player and any night kills or ITAs targeting them are sure to succeed. - 5 uses.
Second Strike (Day) - You have a second ITA that can be used today, but it will be silent. - Two uses.
Malice (Night) - Tomorrow your target’s will be 50% more vulnerable to ITAs. - Infinite uses.
Beastlord (Night) - Increases the ITA hit rate of all Mafia members by x1.25. - 2 uses.

I even put there alternatives (if Magnus was dead there was still Malice and even Beastlord, if you were dead there was still Second Strike not to mention that Solic could hack anyone into shooting the medium as well)
It’s not Alice’s fault but the wolves’ fault for not coordinating.

Make a medium that claims macho counters that.

claim vigs exist guys

Then they can just talk with players voice

just make it a factional ability that the faction can use once a day

Which puts them and has the same effect and would be considered a claim

Imho claimvigs shouldn’t be attached to a player

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