Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

You didn’t unless Alice says so


My brain says you don’t seem to have direction in thread
What are you leaning on

I sent action I am just waiting for her to proceed it

I mean why? Gladiates are betting your life against someone else’s that they are scum. I don’t see why if you’re a gladiator you’d not try to get them lynched first. Something seems wrong.

Wait the daystart post mentioned IC and gladiator,hja is prob legit

I dont even know tbh

I dunno about that Metereo.

Look at solics iso

Reread from the start and get a clue then

They do that as both alignments

I plan on doing when I have time,atm i read hja as town

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Wolves white knight a lot on this forum

Okay. That doesn’t help me with why if you’re town and if you gladiated him why you feel that way. I am Mathy brain. You are Hjasik. How would you expect me to reach your conclusions with just “read his ISO”?

I think the gladiates fake Hjasik town or gladiates real Hjasik scum atm. If his life was truly on the line I think he’d be trying harder.

She* shit sorry!

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I find his ISO scummy

And I think everyone else will too

Does this refer to ITAs or dayvigs?

@Alice Does daykills mean ITAs only? Or is there another type of daykill

@Alice Votecount please. I wanna see if Hjasik’s gladiate is legit.

Pings same Person 2 times in one post

It usually refers to both