Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Of not rolling scum. I wouldn’t be that mean. :angel:

Well tbh since I’m pansexual apparently that means a 100% chance that I’m hell-bound.


You cant be more mean since youre as mean as one can be

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Arent We all

/in for solic

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I’ll take that as a compliment. :smile:

You cant do that

Pretty good chance that this just fills

Im already in two games rn I might if i die in one but but not right now.

And by die in one i mean i can only die in that one because the other starts the 8th

Technically the game begins April 15th. The second game will probably be over or close to finished once this one starts.

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So here’s what I plan to do if the game doesn’t fill up. Since we’re getting very close to 29 players then if we get something like a few players short then I’ll just downsize the game by a bit. I’m also allowing players to back-up and you will auto-fill if the 29 cap isn’t reached by the 15th and we have a decent number of sign-ins.



Either of you want to back-up?

only 10 peeps away!

I’d love to mate, and this looks grand and something I might play if I was able to, but I don’t have the time nor energy for this, mainly due to in real life conflictions. I’m sorry.

However, I’ll /backup for now.


What time is that actually? Can you do the insert date?

this is 2019-04-16T00:00:00Z

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Under options when you’re making a post and then insert date.

What Solic said, and are you fine with me putting you as a back-up?

if I enter i’m likely going to just play instead of being a backup (probably not up for being a backup).
let me know when you need a decision by and I’ll make up my mind by then.

fixed thanks

I’m going to try to see if I can get more people to join.
Probably going to be unsuccessful but eh