Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

First of all, I dont fear the consequences of this action

oh no what u gonna do now even if i say no again

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Yes. It is done.

the fact that Alice is typing scares me

It no longer scares me.

Chapter I - Verse III: Sororicide


Margaret has revealed themselves to be Five, an Intoner.

Quickly Margaret dashed towards Geyde and impaled them with her spear, killing them instantly. As Geyde was lying on the ground bleeding and motionless, we inspected him shortly after he passed.

Geyde was…

Geyde's Flip


“A fellow Intoner and Zero’s younger sister. She is intelligent, serious, and has a strong sense of justice—Zero’s polar opposite. It is out of her intelligence that she comes to question how the Intoners came into existence and why they possess such godly powers. She decided to overthrow the despotic rulers of the world who had oppressed the people and created a new peaceful world. She reigns over all the Intoners.”
You are an Intoner and are aligned with the Town!

ITA Abilities
21% Chance to kill a target player.
Can be fired once per day.

Intoner (Passive) - Your Disciple is Gabriel and you share a neighbor with them.
Intoner Mode (Day) - Increases your ITA chance by x2 and allows for a second shot. Using this will out you as an Intoner and your Disciple will be unable to use ITAs and day abilities for the next day and night abilities the next night. Your disciple needs to agree for you to use this in the previous night.
Ruler of Cathedral City (Day) - Checks to see your target’s character type. You can select up to two players if Intoner Mode was activated in the same day. - 3 uses.
One’s Chakram (Night) - Checks to see your target’s alignment, if Intoner Mode has been activated in the previous day then this ability ignores frames, tailors, millers, and godfathers. - Infinite uses.

Goal: Eliminate the Mafia.

We found the following logs on Geyde.

Geyde's Logs


Disciple has done nothing yet.
I will out them if they show signs of being scum.

As an alignment cop I must avoid being shot.


Worth it?


Likely to make town mad at me, equally likely.

Now that I am revealed, my Desciple is scum. Don’t worry, however. As I’ll ensure his actions fail.

who is it?

What the heck

Who was the first person I said in this whole game?

Also, really nice lore and play on words. Sororicide. Pretty good.

Using his gut feeling in his second post… I don’t really like that.

Okay, this really confuses me for some reason as the post he quotes I don’t really believe he said much.

ISO’s are common practice to use against a player.

I’m microreading this as an explaination post… but he started it with “Fun Fact:” as if it was a way to be sarcastic.

How about you actually do one this game… instead of complaining.

Your gut feeling which you are probably going to betray the same day is tingling?

Honestly can’t change your mind here… but I can believe this is a quick attempt to get a fast pocket, even if you are town this is way an attempt to look townlike and to get a quick pocket off.

How many times do you have to respond to Blue, Jesus Christ.

I’ve not read Zone’s posts so I have no idea on this.

I don’t relaly caare about his other posts right now, I’m dealing with personal shit, sorry.

Yeah I guess I could have predicted this but u did say his

unless u mean magnus. Has he chatted at all

Did I ever say Merc’s full name before I said Magnus?

well not full name but said Merc

Now, do you have an answer?

And I believe you might understand why I’m so energetic this game, no?

yeah I can kinda see why, so has Magnus said anything of significance in your chat?

did you only learn your disciple by killing Geyde?