Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

@Solic They redirected her shot to Wazza, who was shown to counter ITAs targetting him.

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Also to add onto this, I am not Mafia. I know my security value despite this, you can literally just ask Alice for it.

Also I kinda have to go

That’s why Margaret is confirmed Town as Scum would send the shots into me so I shoot at Margaret.

You can? That’s interesting

My greencheck on Magnus was a troll I dont even have read on him even : )

Or maybe it was a reaction test Who knows

Boss does : ))

Yeh, I asked it first thing.

I stated this 12 hours ago.

@Boss110 You wanna use your shot or you don’t have one?

I am waiting for something

For What ?

What is you currently read

Magnus is probably scum


What do you think about that

No option
