Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

That is not true at all.

Especially if you are town lol cuz then like 3 mafia are in the town-core.

But seriously can we talk about who to shoot first tomorrow and have people agree on it before we shoot and don’t do it randomly like today

Good idea. I suggest Maxwell first.

Plans favor the mafia all town should shoot whoever they want

One of mafia hacker is already dead so… Dunno?

/shoot Hippolytus
/shoot Maxwell
/shoot Zone_Q11

It has nothing to do with hacking and everything to do with the fact mafia can influence us to shoot all town

I really hope this is real this is true dragon energy shooting

Baz please don’t shoot me immediately, I’m a fairly powerful town.


I’m just kidding
Wanted to see Hippo rage

My high stakes strat is to make one of those pranks every game so people will never know when I’m serious

Eh, maybe it’s time for Hippo to claim his ability. What do you think?

I’m gonna before today ends to hopefully avoid getting shot tomorrow.


It’s harder to kill someone you know so I veto

Maf aren’t ever gonna kill me after I claim lol. If they do I’ll be okay with it.

I’m okay dying to mafia, it loses their KPN I just don’t wanna one of those smucks dying to a dumbass town being dumb.

What other Mashes has Alice hosted btw?

Overwatch FM afaik
And the golden dragon sfol

Obviously she hosted more