Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

Good morning,any interesting wagon going?
Let me start one /vote solic

Are you scum Hja? :eyes:

We prob have IC and gladiator

You’re missing your day 0 peek. I wonder why that is… :eyes:

Where is you red check

I have no peek,and probably Will never have 1 any d1


That’s oddly defensive, would guess you would joke if you were town.

/vote Meteoro

1 Like

I’ll read more later, gotta jet to work.


I just want to stop my “claim redcheck d1 thing”

Prepeare to die

He provided a reason at least

Scum spotted!

Hja,are you some kind of neut(NK maybe)?

How did you know

Hjasik claim NK



/vote hja
No reasons needed,valid PL