Nier+Drakengard Forum Mafia (Town Victory - This Silence is Mine: 7/29)

I need to prove nothing, everything is in your posts

A good argument


You said I had scumtells so you need to prove I have them otherwise it’s false

Can you link me you scum game

You have scumtells,but maybe you didn’t show them this game

Prove it that I do


You say I have scumtells but you have nothing to support that claim

Do you have a recent scumgame?


With how she plays you could say that she rolled scum every game


The most recent hja scumgame i can think about is SFoL19.5,but hja was alive only d1


That deadchat was fun

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I found you scumtell

You can’t find something that doesn’t exist

But I did, and as such it exists

You didn’t since it doesn’t exist

Hja,would you say your posts can come from town!hja,scum!hja or both?